Monday, August 16, 2010

The Bloody Brains: A New Video and Two Shows at The Redwood Bar & Grill!

Here we have the Bloody Brains performing an original improvised song inspired by Keith Richards and his legendary desire for a coconut. The footage comes from the 1959 educational film "Holiday From Rules?". Recorded at Corman Ben's Garage.

The Bloody Brains are playing twice this week at the Redwood Bar & Grill in Downtown Los Angeles! We'll be playing Tuesday, August 17th with the Neighborhood Bullies and Johnny Cheapo! Then on Sunday August 22, we will be back again to play with The Mormons and Smooth Moves!

The Redwood Bar is located at:
316 West 2nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3527

Be There and Be Well!
Reverend Dan


Ken Roskos said...

Congrats on KXLU's clearer signal! (I still have to put the radio in the window when I can't listen online.)Glad those "squatters" aren't on your frequency anymore.

Best to you on your 50th BD.


Ken R.

onepatty said...

This is the band my old man has been waiting for for 20 years! we must come and hear you play live!have been loving your radio program for bout 15 years or so.